Security assurance

During the Journey - something that can not be implemented on their own — guaranteed the safety of your Hiking trip, including:

  safe movement on transport — a contract with transport companies that are required to safely or any transport and road risks to bring tourists to their destination;

  accident insurance — a contract with the insurance company, the international status of "BIMA", which in the case of insurance, guarantees the necessary, including financial assistance to tourists;

  safe riding / riding / climbing on horses / boats / attractions and other means — an agreement with the relevant organizations and individuals who are obliged in the process of providing services to ensure the safety of tourists;

  safe climbing, swimming and other adventure activities — a contract with the relevant organizations and individuals to ensure safety, as well as before the trip, tourists will be instructed — the rules of conduct, their rights and obligations during the hike;

  guarantee of the rights and provision of quality services to tourists — each or a group of citizens / people is a contract for the provision of tourist services, within which each party is responsible for respecting the rights and obligations.