Tour description

Tajikistan is the land of the highest peaks, powerful glaciers, rapid, turbulent rivers, unique beautiful lakes, unique vegetation and rare animals. It is the mountain, floor landscape that determines the distinctiveness and uniqueness of the nature of Tajikistan, the richness of its forms brought by the diversity of climatic zones. In the republic, in an hour and a half of flight from the sultry heat of the Vakhsh valley, you can get into the arctic cold of the eternal snows of the Pamirs.

About 93% of Tajikistan is covered by mountains, extending west from the Himalayas. Only minor parts in the south and far north have an elevation that not exceeds 1000 meters. The greatest altitudes are in the east of the country, which hosts some of the highest peaks in the world rising up to 7.495 meters. The mountains are still actively building up, giving them a rough and majestic aspect.

The greatest, mysterious, which lost in the wilds of Asia – the Pamir Mountains have always excited the minds. Sharp peaks seemed unattainable, deep rocky gorges were impregnable, winding roads leading into the clouds were unreliable. The mountain peaks rising to the sky remember the Persian kings, the mysterious Bactria and the troops of Alexander the Great, here the path of Tamerlane and Bobur, Marco Polo and dozens of pioneer explorers of glaciers and mountains lay.

Moreover, along the roads laid over the abyss, caravans carried Chinese silk, lapis lazuli and rubies obtained in local mines. Today we know much more about the Pamirs, but we never cease to be amazed at its beauty and diversity. Before the widespread development of the Himalayas, the Pamirs were referred to as the “roof of the world”. Around it, the gigantic mountains of Asia join in a tight ring: the Himalayas, Karakorum, Hindu Kush, Gissar-Alai, Tien Shan and Kunlun.

The Pamir Mountains are separated by Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, China, Pakistan and Afghanistan. In addition, everywhere they appear to travelers different, but invariably – exciting.

DESTINATION: Chine (Kalasu) or Kyrgyzstan (Osh), Kyzyl-Art border – Karakul (225 km from Kalasu, 52 km from Osh border) – Bukunkul (250 km) – Khorug (195 km) – Kalai Khumb (245 km) – ancient city of Karon – Kulob – Hulbuk Fortress – Dushanbe (360 km) – Nurek (50*2 km) – Iskanderkul Lake – (167*2 km)

Program of the tour


Until 10:00 - Pick up guests from the China / Kalasu or Kyrgyzstan (Osh), Kyzyl-Art border and departure to Karakul Lake

13:00 - Lunch on the way

16:00 / 14:00 - Arrival Karakul Lake

Karakul Lake Karakul, Qarokul (replacing the older Tajik name Siyohob) - is a 25 km diameter lake within a rather large 52 km (32 mi) impact crater. It is located in the Tajik National Park in the Pamir Mountains in Tajikistan.

Karakul lies within a circular depression interpreted as an impact crater with a rim diameter of 52 km (32 mi). Some estimates give its age as relatively recent. Preliminarily, it was thought to be c. 25 Ma or less than 23 Ma. However, it may even be from the recent Pliocene (5.3 to 2.6 Ma). The Earth Impact Database (EID) also lists it as younger than 5 Ma.

The lake/crater lies at an elevation of 3,960 m (12,990 ft) above mean sea level. A peninsula projecting from the south shore and an island off the north shore divide the lake into two basins: a smaller, relatively shallow eastern one, between 13 to 19 m (43 to 62 ft) deep, and a larger western one, 221 to 230 m (725 to 755 ft) deep.

19:00 - Dinner and accommodation to Karakul hostel


07:00 - Breakfast at hostel and departure

10:00 - On the way, Murgab sightseeing and continue trip

MURGHOB is district in Mountains of Badakhshan, Tajikistan, with a population of just under 7,500. It is the highest town in Tajikistan at 3,650 meters above sea level. It is where the Pamir Highway crosses the Bartang river. The Pamir Highway goes north to Sary-Tash and on to Osh in Kyrgyzstan. Another road goes east over the Kulma Pass to the Karakoram Highway in China connecting to Tashkurgan to the south and Kashgar to the north.

13:00 - Lunch on the way

18:00 - Arrival and sightseeing of Bulunkul village and lake

BULUNKUL is alpine lake of Badakhshan located at the altitude of 3734 m above sea level. Bulunkul lake is connected with Yashilkul lake by narrow channel. The water is fresh and has rich flora and fauna. A flocks of ducks, geese and sea gulls are always can be seen over the lake. Bulunkul lake is the first basin at Pamirs were fishing was introduced to locals and now from May thru October the fishermen set their nets near the rivers mouths flow in to the lake catching osman and marinka. The lake's area is also known for being one of the coldest places in Central Asia, the lowest temperature here in winter was registered here at -63 Centigrade

20:00 - Dinner and accommodation to Avlaz homestay


07:00 - Breakfast at hostel and departure

13:00 - Arrival Khorug and lunch 

14:00 - Khorug sightseeing

Khorog (taj. Khorug) is a city in Tajikistan, the administrative center of the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region (GBAO) - Pamir. The city is located at an altitude of 2600 m above sea level. By highway, Khorog is connected with the capital of the country - the city of Dushanbe and the Osh region of Kyrgyzstan. Khorog is an important regional center for trade, transport and education. The city has such educational institutions as: Khorog State University, affiliate of the International University of Central Asia (UCA) etc. Khorog is the main tourist center of the Pamirs, and is also one of the starting points for tourists to the main attractions of the Pamirs. Every year, thousands of tourists from around the world travel to the Pamirs to see the beautiful nature, majestic mountains covered with eternal snow, Lake Sarez and many other amazing corners of the Pamirs.

Botanical garden

At the eastern end of the city is the Pamir Botanical Garden - the highest mountain in the CIS and the second highest above sea level in the world (2320 m), after the Botanical Garden of Nepal. The garden was founded in 1940. The collection of the botanical garden includes more than 4 thousand species of plants from all regions of the world. During the period of independence of Tajikistan, the garden continues to function successfully, scientific work is being carried out

19:00 - Dinner and accommodation to hotel


08:00 - Breakfast at hotel and departure

13:00 - Lunch on the way

16:00 - Arrival Kalai Khumb and sightseeing ancient city Karon

Notes: in case of reconstruction of the road perhaps we will transfer from Khorug to Kalai Khumb at night time

Ancient city Karon

Tajik and Russian archaeologists in 2012 found the ancient city of Karon on the territory of the Darvaz region of the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region. Temples, fragments of a five-domed church, a temple of fire, water, two temples of the wind, a windmill, a fragment of the sacred book of the Zoroastrians "Avesta", the remains of a large polo ground, halls, administrative and residential premises were found. building. The ruins were found in the ancient city, which is supposedly one of the largest mountain "residences" of local kings

19:00 - Dinner and accommodation to hotel


07:00 - Breakfast at hostel and departure

10:00 - Arrival Kulob and sightseeing of the city, Mir Said Ali Hamadoni complex and Hulbuk fortress

Complex of Mir Said Ali Hamadoni

In the center of the city of Kulyab, in the park area, there is a memorial complex of Mir Said Ali Hamadoni - a poet, philosopher and thinker of the 14th century. His son Muhammad, relatives, as well as Sheikh Shokhi Tolikoni from the Afghan city of Tolukan, a former inspector of the mausoleum and mosque, are also buried there. The complex includes the local history museum of the 2700th anniversary of Kulyab, the museum of the literary heritage of the writer Mirsaid Ali Hamadoni and the house-museum of the national poet Saydali Valizod. Every year the museum is visited by more than two million visitors, both local and foreign guests.

Hulbuk Fortress

On the way to Kulyab we will visit the Hulbuk Fortress (165 km from Dushanbe). From the 9th to the 11th centuries, the Hulbuk Fortress was located in the center of one of the four largest cities in Central Asia, it was the residence of Shah (King) Khatlon. The citadel was guarded by a giant salt hill, which at that time was of great importance as the source of one of the three precious resources (along with gold and horses) traded on the Silk Roads

13:00 - Lunch on the way

19:00 -  Arrival Dushanbe, dinner and accommodation to hotel


08:00 - Breakfast at hostel and departure

10:00 - Arrival Nurek and sightseeing Hydroelectric Power Plant Museum - Hydroelectric Dam - Hydroelectric Reservoir (you can swimming and boating)

Nurek Dam

The Nurek Dam is an enormous earth-fill dam located in a deep gorge on the Vakhsh River in the Central Asia. At 304 m (984 ft), it is the tallest dam in the world. Currently, the dam makes up 75% of the country's total electricity production (3.0 of 4.0 Gigawatts), and provides for more than 90% of its power needs.

Mountain sea

The Nurek Reservoir is the largest in Tajikistan, with a capacity of 10.5 km2. The reservoir is over 70 km (40 mi) in length, and has a surface area of 98 km2 (38 sq.mi). The reservoir is very popular with boaters, as its creation opened up vast areas for easy exploration by boat. The middle of the lake is also a great place to simply admire the vast gorges and snowcapped peaks on all sides. Many houseboats are moored in rocky niches throughout the many valleys of the reservoir, from which we can swimming.

Anorbogh, pomegranate garden, Nurek is one of the cities that is famous for growing a special type of pomegranates.

13:00 - Lunch

17:00 - Return to Dushanbe

18:00 - Arrival Dushanbe, dinner and accommodation to hotel


08:00 - Breakfast at hostel and departure

12:30 - Arrival Iskanderkul Lake and lunch

FANN MOUNTAINS. Iskanderkul, considered the heart of the Fan Mountains, is surrounded by several peaks- five thousand meters – Bodhona, Chapdara, Maria, Mirali, Zindon. The highest is Chimtarga (5,487 meters). The Fanns boast about a hundred peaks, with several rising to altitudes of more than 5,000 meters and relative elevations of up to 1,500 meters

ISKANDERKUL - the lake located in the northern part of the country, in the Sugd region. The distance from the capital of Tajikistan is more than 180 kilometers along a high- altitude and quite decent highway. Along the way, you can see fascinating natural landscapes with snow-capped mountain tops rushing into the deep blue of the sky. This small piece of untouched land can show many interesting things, including Lake Iskanderkul. There are magnificent blue lakes, fast mountain rivers and picturesque forests. The Lake Iskanderkul was calling a pearl in the palms of the mountains, a living legend.

SNAKE LAKE is not far from Iskanderkul Lake. According to the stories of old-timers, many snakes live in it. Locals claim that reptiles will not bite in two cases: when they are in the water and when people drink water. The water in it is warmer than in Iskanderkul, so it is quite possible to swim here.

FANN NIAGARA WATERFALL. Nearest of the Lake Iskanderkul there is an old juniper (juniper bush), the branches of which are decorated with colorful ribbons. Everyone who comes to admire the local amazing waterfall leaves something of his or her own on this tree to return here again in the future. The nearby 43-meter waterfall is calling "Fan Niagara". It is located on the river flowing out of the lake

17:00 - Back to Dushanbe or drop off tourists to the Panjaketn /  Samarkand border 

20:00 - Arrival Dushanbe, accommodation to the hotel


End of the tour

The guests will be drop off to the Dushanbe international airport any time until 06:00 next day


Choose the start date of your trip and the number of tourists